Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New home

I have been meaning to write a real post for the last six months... in short, I have been working for the Pan American Health Organization in DC on issues related to water, sanitation, and human rights, which has been extremely fascinating and has its inspirational moments, and also its long interminable hours at the computer screen moments. I have been writing a great deal. I have also been working on an initiative promoting healthy tourism initiatives which has forced me to reconsider some generally cynical attitudes I may have been harboring. In general I have thought long and hard about giant fancy UN work (WHO is a UN agency) vs. local NGOs vs. movements, but as usual my conclusions are rambling and probably contradictory. So is life, I suppose.

For now I am content to be inspired by the folks all across the Middle East and here at home, for once, in WI and the other states, as at last we get just a few folks upset enough about the awful things happening to our country to do something about it. Anything at all. I also do community organizing and arts stuff with these folks. Come visit! And cheers, all!



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