Saturday, August 1, 2009

A Small Photo Capture of Mexico City

We have been exploring this city in a strange, slow way, but it´s been nice. I love to ride the subway. I somehow have an immense capacity to sit still if I am also in motion. We go one place per day, more or less, and we never have any idea what we´re doing, really. And it´s not terribly obvious, even in areas where it should be, where the things to do and see are actually located. I have been to an assortment of museums and plazas and bars. I like how loud and colorful and cheap the city is. I like catching glimpses of its massive sprawl creeping up the mountain sides. So far my favorite things have been seeing the modern art exhibit at the autonomous university (UNAM) and wandering around Coyoacan. One night we drove home in the rain listening to eighties hits, one night we went to the new Harry Potter movie, one night we watched jazz and argued over peace vs. rage in making social change, one night a very wealthy friend picked us up, drove us around for hours listening to opera, and then took us to an insane club made into a fake cave. There we acquired an even wealthier companion, whose house was, apparently, nice enough to be price-featured on google maps, and who told us the revolution was coming, via civil war, and he knew, because his boss was in the arms trade between the narcos and the government. Mostly I sit still and watch things. It´s warm and the food is delicious.

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